Architecture, Unit 2

PS Practice:


PS Photomontage:

Unit Reflection:

I believe that there is a difference between a place and a space. A space is a very broad, general term. When I think of space, I think of outer space: the vast, mysterious area that is everything in the universe outside Earth, and I believe that is true for a lot of people. A place, however, is more specific. A place is known; a place is connected to human memories. If space is a graph, then a place is a point. Space is vague and infinitely unknown, but a place is strong and specific in its nature.

The goal of this assignment was to convey a feeling of place rather than just document some strange pinnacle of space. The pictures and drawings were built into this assignment to show that this place has memories to me, and to get the viewer to imagine those memories and make them their own. Photoshop is a powerful tool that I have not yet mastered, and I may never. This was my first time using the program, so like everyone, I started with the practice picture, moving around some pre-uploaded images into something with artistic value.

After I was satisfied with the result of the practice, I was ready to move on to the project. To begin, I chose a place that was important and memorable to me: my room. I took pictures of various details within it from multiple angles to get the best shots. I also drew a diagram and two details from memory of the place and wrote a review of it, which comprised part of the end result. I uploaded the best images from my arsenal and arranged them in a way so that no space was empty. I did not rotate or mutate any of the images. This was alright, but to further my demonstration of place rather than space, I highlighted multiple details and objects in neon purple. The purpose of this was to attract viewer attention to those important regions and have them wonder what makes them important.

I believe that I did a good job for this project and I am proud of what I accomplished here. I hope you enjoy it as well!